IO Stamps



I am NOW part of  THE STAMPS OF LIFE design Team.... YEP!  You heard me right!!! Stephanie Barnard and her FAB group of ladies has Welcomed me into their AWESOME Group!!!  TSOL has a monthly set they mail out... it is followed by a complimentary set to the months set, then of course there comes the DIES!  Dies that match a previously released set.  Let me tell you, these stamps are SO freaking CUTE and what AWESOME quality....

Here are 2 of my sweet little cards using this months stamp set Snails4You

 HA! HA! HA!  This card had me in giggle fits after I finished it!!!  You see that little guy "running" to catch up??  **snort**
This one was a BREEZE to paper piece.  I even have him moving SO FAST he's flying his kite sign like a air plane! ;)  I snipped and snipped and snipped some green paper for his grass.  The ONLY time I wish I still has my Marth Stewart paper shredding scissors... of course it would be the first time I used them in 2 years of owning them... but still... ;)

Now Head on over to The Stamps of Life blog and see what's up! :)  I TOTALLY encourage you to sign up for the Monthly Kit, the shipment is FAST and TOTALLY worth it.  I was a club member before being chose to join this group!!! :)



  1. Love them! Snail mail :) Congrats to you!

  2. Great cards, love that first one and welcome to the team.

  3. Yay!!! Congrats girlfriend. Awesome cards, can't wait to see what else you come up with using these stamps.

  4. Congrats Kelli! I love S.B.! That little guy running to catch up with the others is me trying to finish the DTGD challanges!

  5. Congrats, Kelli! So happy for you!!!!!!


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